School Uniform
It is important that all pupils wear the correct school uniform.
At Longwood, school uniform:
- promotes a sense of pride in the school;
- fosters a feeling of community and belonging;
- is practical and smart and sets a high standard of appearance for all;
- makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance.
- White polo shirt/shirt with school motif or plain white polo shirt
- Blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school motif or plain royal blue
- Plain grey or black skirt, or plain grey or black trousers (not leggings/jeans or skinny
- trousers).
- In the summer, girls may wear a blue and white check/gingham uniform dress.
- Grey, white, or black socks; neutral colour, black, grey, white.
- Black shoes (either lace-up, Velcro, zip or buckle fastening)
- In addition children may wear a watch.
- White polo shirt/shirt with school motif or plain white polo shirt
- Blue sweatshirt with school motif or plain royal blue
- Plain grey or black trousers.
- In the summer, boys may wear plain, dark grey or black tailored knee length shorts.
- Grey, white, or black socks.
- Black shoes (either lace-up, Velcro, zip or buckle fastening).
NB. In addition children may wear a watch and small stud earrings but no other form of jewellery. Hair accessories should follow school colours and be smart. There should be no make-up or nail varnish worn in school.
PE Kit - On PE days children can come to school in PE Kit
- Coloured house t-shirt
- Plain or school logo black tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt
- Plain black shorts
- White socks.
- Training shoes
- No earrings, tape cannot be used and earrings must be removed by the child.
Other Equipment
Your child will also need a school bag and a drinks bottle.
Swimming Activities
- Swimming costume/trunks (not LONG shorts)
- Swimming hat
- A waterproof bag for wet/dirty kit/towel
- Towel
- Goggles (optional)
School Uniform Shop
You can buy all uniform, with the logo on, from Top Form in The Stow, Harlow.
90-91 The Stow,
CM20 3AP
01279 434 813
Supermarket plain uniforms in royal blue, grey or black trousers/skirt are also acceptable.
If you require any second hand uniform please contact our Family Support Worker based at school.