Curriculum Documents
Welcome to our Curriculum Documents page. Here you will find learning overviews and knowledge organisers for parents to access to help support learning.
Curriculum Plans
Science and Non Core Subjects
Longwood Science and Non Core Long Term Plan
Longwood Music Development Plan
Parent's Knowledge Organisers
To assist you in supporting your child's learning we complete knowledge organisers for our parents.
Year 1
History - First Flight (Spring)
History - Prime Ministers (Summer)
Geography - My School (Autumn)
Geography - Our World (Summer)
Science - Seasonal Change (Autumn)
Science - Everyday Materials (Autumn)
Science - Animals including Humans (Spring)
Science - Seasonal Change (Summer)
RE- Special Words and Stories (Spring)
RE - Christianity and Judaism (Spring)
RE - Special Things in Nature (Summer)
RE - Special Things in Nature 2 (Summer)
Music - In the Groove (Spring)
Music - Round and Round (Spring)
Music - Your Imagination (Summer)
Year 2
History -Neil Armstrong and Moon Landing (Spring)
History - Kings and Queens (Summer)
Geography - Around my School (Autumn)
Geography - The World (Countries and Continents) (Spring)
Geography - Weather around the World (Summer)
Science - Living Things and their Habitats (Autumn)
Science - Animals including Humans (Spring)
Science - Everyday Materials (Summer)
RE - Special Symbols and Objects (Spring)
RE - Special Ways of Living (Summer)
Music - Hands, Feet, Heart (Autumn)
Music - I Wanna Play in a Band (Spring)
Year 3
History - Ancient Egypt (Spring)
Geography - River Nile (Spring)
Geography - European Neighbours (Summer)
Science - Animals including Humans (Autumn)
Science - Forces and Magnets (Summer)
RE - A World of Difference (Autumn)
Music - Let Your Spirit Fly (Autumn)
Music - Three Little Birds (Spring)
Year 4
History - Ancient Greece (Autumn)
History - Vikings and Anglo-Saxons (Summer)
Geography - Comparative Study - UK and Greece (Autumn)
Geography - Mountain Regions (Spring)
Geography - World Countries (Summer)
Science - Animals include Humans (Autumn)
Science - Electricity (Autumn)
Science - States of Matter (Spring)
Science - Living Things and Habitats (Summer)
RE - Christianity and the Bible (Spring)
Music - The Dragon Song (Autumn)
Year 5
History - William Shakespeare (Autumn)
History - Modern Slavery (Summer)
Geography - Natural Disasters (Spring)
Geography - England Vs Japan (Summer)
Science - Properties and Changes of Materials (Autumn)
Science - Earth and Space (Spring)
Science - Living Things and Habitats (Summer)
Science - Animals including Humans (Summer)
RE - Hinduism - Living as a Hindu (Autumn)
RE - Christianity Introducing Jesus (Spring)
RE - Christianity - The Last weeks of Jesus’ Life (Spring)
Music - Livin On a Prayer (Autumn)
Music - The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (Spring)
Music - Dancing in the Street (Spring)
Music - Classroom Jazz (Summer)
Year 6
History - World War II (Autumn)
History - Migration Today (Summer)
Geography - Water Cycle (Autumn)
Geography - Biomes and Vegetation Belts (Autumn)
Geography - Seven Wonders of the World (Spring)
Geography - Biomes and Vegetation (Summer)
Science - Electricity (Autumn)
Science - Living Things and their Habitats (Autumn)
Science - Evolution and Inheritance (Summer)
Science - Animals including Humans (Summer)
RE - Multi-Faith – Comparing beliefs and creation stories (Spring)
Music - A New Year Carol (Spring)
Music - You've got a Friend (Spring)